E78: How to Read Tarot For Yourself! An Imbolc Celebration with Courtney Weber
This show explores our connection to our ancient roots of divination, as we explore how to read Tarot for yourself on Imbolc!
February 1st marks the ancient Pagan/ Celtic holiday of Imbolc, thought to date back over 10,000 years based upon the alignment of Neolithic structures in Ireland and Scotland. One of the Eight turnings of the wheel, Imbolc marks the mid point between winter and spring and was widely viewed by the Gaelic tradition as the end of winter- a celebration of purification and new beginnings. This has traditionally been the celebration of fairy goddess turned Saint Brigid where women would light cancels and ask for her blessing of fertility and purification — and the origins of modern traditions of ‘Ground Hog Day’!
It seems fitting then that on this ancient Pagan holiday we examine this function of ‘Magick’ and ‘Witchcraft’ in our lives, through the lens of the art of Tarot!! Are you interested in getting into Tarot reading, or do you love receiving readings? Have you ever wondered about the origins or the meaning of the Tarot? In today’s show, find out the art of reading tarot for yourself, which can be challenging as we work to overcome our own subjective biases. Learn about the ancient art of Tarot, find out why ‘self-reading’ can be tough, and learn strategies and skills from Tarot expert Courtney Weber.
During the show, Courtney helped me do a one-card draw reading pertaining to my health in which I drew the 7 of cups:
As well as a three-card reading on whether a new romantic partner was coming into my life:
Listen to the show to find out how we interpreted these cards!
Courtney Weber is a Wiccan priestess, writer, Tarot advisor, and activist. A Tarot reader with over 20 years’ experience, Courtney produced and designed Tarot of the Boroughs, a modern tarot deck set in New York City, composed of original photography. She is the author of Tarot for One, Brigid: History, Mystery, and Magick of the Celtic Goddess (Weiser Books, 2015). She has been published on Huffington Post, The Wild Hunt, in Circle Times magazine, and elsewhere.