Psychology is an academic and applied discipline that involves the scientific study of mental functions and behaviors. Psychology has the immediate goal of understanding individuals and groups by both establishing general principles and researching specific cases, and by many accounts it ultimately aims to benefit society.

E102: The Marijuana Midterms- Everything You Need to Know About Cannabis Reform This November with NORML Political Director Justin Strekal
In today's show we will discuss impending proposals in Congress for changes in Federal Scheduling, candidate scorecards on cannabis in the upcoming midterm elections, four key ballot measures voters will decide on November 6th, and check in with Canada, our neighbors to the North,

E98 The Art of Breathing: An Easy 10-Minute Brain Hack to Feel Happier, More Creative and Less Anxious with Dr. Danny Penman
Your breath is the greatest asset you have. It's naturally meditative and always with you.

E95: Learn HOW to Remember & Interpret Your Dreams- Plus Expert Analysis of the MOST Common Dream Themes with Dr. Doris E. Cohen
Would you like help with remembering your dreams and learning to decode their meanings? With these tips you can start TONIGHT!

E94: Eyes on the Prize! The Kick-Ass Guide to Setting GREAT Goals in 2018 with Carrie Williams!
Whether you are looking to set a new career path, quit smoking, run a marathon, lose weight, make money or go on a trip- Carrie's advice from her bestselling book, Eyes on the Prize, is just the kick-start you need to make it happen in 2018.

E91: The Nature of Consciousness and the Origins of Life, with Dr. Bruce Damer
If you missed Dr. Bruce Damer's talk at the Science of Consciousness Conference 2017, Don't miss his interview where he dishes on the nature of consciousness, origins of life, healing, MARS and experiencing the experience!

E90: Awakening from the Daydream- Contemplation & Meditation on Buddha's Wheel of Life
According to ancient Buddhist philosophy, humans find themselves oscillating between six unique realms which contour our state of mind and existence

E89: Spring Sex & Fire, Beltane Rituals of the Past and Present with Judika Illes
Find out the meaning behind maypoles, floralia, the green man, fire ceremonies and MORE- Learn how these are still relative to our Springtime celebrations today!

E87: Bringing the Mind Home- A Reading from the Tibetan Book of Living and Dying

E81: The Biology of Belief and How to Reprogram Your Mind, with Bruce Lipton PhD

E80: Living in a Mindful Universe, A Conversation with Dr. Eben Alexander, Author of Proof of Heaven
The entire scientific community is facing a similar conundrum- How to explain that consciousness is merely a byproduct of the brain when overwhelming evidence suggests otherwise: that Consciousness is FUNDAMENTAL in the Universe.