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SEX POSITIVE Coming Feb 11th 2020!
I am beyond thrilled to announce that my new book, "Sex Positive" will be hitting the shelves on Feb 11th 2020!

E106: Tantric Pathways to Supernatural Sex

E 105: Past Lives & Past Life Regression Hypnotherapy

E104: How to Thrive After Narcissistic Abuse and Toxic Relationships with Melanie Tonia Evans
In today's show we discuss the keys to healing from narcissistic abuse, why people fall in love with narcissists, the nine personality traits of people most likely to end up in toxic relationships- and MORE!

E103: Beyond the Binary- Queer Magic and Mysticism with Tomas Prower
Explore ueer relationships and spiritual practices from all around the world and world history!

E102: The Marijuana Midterms- Everything You Need to Know About Cannabis Reform This November with NORML Political Director Justin Strekal
In today's show we will discuss impending proposals in Congress for changes in Federal Scheduling, candidate scorecards on cannabis in the upcoming midterm elections, four key ballot measures voters will decide on November 6th, and check in with Canada, our neighbors to the North,

E101: Exploring the Traditional and Spirit Roots of YOGA!
We will explore yoga's spiritual traditions and find out how to use yoga to enhance our mind-body-spirit connection to love ourselves more deeply!

E100: Power Animals, Spirit Clans and Shamanism
We will explore the most common animal spirit clans and example some of your most common animal symbolism including snake, bear, wolf, owl and more!

E99: Celebrate Beltane! Fire, Sensuality, Magick and the Rebirth of the Divine Feminine with Judika Illess
Are you looking for a new partner, or to awaken romance in your life? Or perhaps you are looking to increase your fertility or creativity?

E98 The Art of Breathing: An Easy 10-Minute Brain Hack to Feel Happier, More Creative and Less Anxious with Dr. Danny Penman
Your breath is the greatest asset you have. It's naturally meditative and always with you.