
This week. Dr. Kelly interviews world renowned grief counselor Russell Friedman about how to handle the holidays when you’ve lost the people and pets that you love. The timing of this was not a coincidence, only 4 months after Dr. Kelly and her partner lost their beloved dog and only 3 days after her beloved cat passed away. It is hoped that these messages will provide healing and relief just as they have for Dr. Kelly.

Russell is the co-author of the Grief Recovery Handbook and the new Grief Recovery Handbook for Pet Loss. Along with his co-author John, Russell has pioneered more than 2500 Grief Recovery Outreach Programs throughout the world. Today we will talk about Grief Myths (NO, time does NOT heal all wounds), as well as what to say and NOT to say to someone who is grieving, pet loss vs human loss, a grief plan of action, the ABCs of grief, and more. If you’re missing your loved ones this holiday season, this show might help bring you some peace of mind. It definitely helped me doing this interview!

For more on grief recovery and to find a center or speak to someone NOW, visit the Grief Recovery Method.